Our Vision, Mission & Goals
Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation (BBF) Vision, Mission & Goals

Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation (BBF) envisions a society based on social justice, human dignity, equity, equality, democratic and secular values free from exploitation, poverty, disparities, misrule, corruption, and gender inequalities leading to freedom and emancipation of disadvantaged powerless people irrespective of caste, creed, and religious beliefs.
Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation (BBF) is committed to work with the disadvantaged and powerless people for their socio-economic, cultural, and political empowerment by promoting and practicing democratic values and participatory process at all levels to the realization of the basic needs and environmentally sustainable development, establishment of fundamental human rights and equity and equality of women and men in the society.
Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation (BBF) will dedicate its resources for the empowerment and emancipation of the disadvantaged women, men, adolescents and children by raising their critical consciousness, releasing their creative potentials and building people’s organization to improve their socio-economic status enabling establishment of genuine democracy and good governance.