BBF, a national NGO works with under privileged & destitute women & children
Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation Objectives
Bicosito Bangladesh Foundation (BBF), a national Non Government Organization works with under privileged & destitute women & children for empowerment by way of:
(a) Social empowerment of the disadvantaged groups specially the women & children.
(b) Undertake different programmed on health & medical care, nutrition, MCH for the disadvantaged men, women and children.
(c) Provide shelter facilities, counseling & other services to the disadvantaged women and children.
(d) To organize programmed to protect and prevention of HIV / STD/AIDS.
(e) To impart skill development training for capacity building for self employment to the disadvantaged women and children.
(f) To organize micro-credit for income generation of the poor both in the rural and urban areas.
(g) To provide legal aid support to the disadvantaged women and children.
(h) To conduct baseline survey, research, study on different social sectors / problems.
(i) To organize program for health care and reproductive health services.
(j) To combat & prevention of women & children abuse.
(k) To conduct advocacy and awareness programmed combat women and child trafficking.
(l) To combat drug abuse etc.
(m) Arsenic mitigation and water-sanitation.
(n) To ensure education and rehabilitation to the disable women and children
(o) To arrange workshop/meeting on at risk of drugs among the policy maker and rehabilitate drug affected women and children.
(p) To arrange training on disaster preparedness to the local people and giving urgent support to the effected people.
(q) To ensure legal aid support to the neglected women protect their basic rights.
(r) To build strong networking with national and international organizations to share child and human rights issues and jointly arrange national and international seminar home and aboard.
(s) To build relationship with village people to take decision on any development work and also ensuring their participation.
(t) To aware voting rights and Election monitoring of slum dwellers.
Biggest Goals
Our main focus is providing basic needs for children- water, food, clothes, home, and education. See how we do it:
Food Supplies
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Goal: $5000
Raised: $3900
Health care
Promoting general health and well being in the community through medial intervention and revival of traditional health promoting practices.

Goal: $5000
Raised: $5000
Non Formal Education
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Goal: $10000
Raised: $9600