Even your smallest contribution can change many lives one less cup of coffee for
you can mean a whole world to these poorer.

BBF Dreams
Livelihood security of poor, disable, marginalized people, women and children through prolong participation establishing of their
rights and socio-economic and political empowerment.
Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) planing and future action: SDG-6 ensured.
These poor women require your help!
Biggest Goals
Our main focus is providing basic needs for children-women- water, food, clothes, home, and education. See how we do it:
Relief and Rehabilitation program
BBF has provided oral saline, medicine, treatment, dry food and agricultural inputs (e.g., seeds, fertilizer and technical know-how) to the affected and needy people from its own fund and Local contribution.
BBF hopeful that the work can be done on a large scale if gets support from the donors.

Goal: $5000
Raised: $ 0
Women and Child Trafficking prevention program
BBF has rendered services in collaboration with Brac at frontier Sirajdikhan upazila under this program. BBF arranged views exchange meetings, workshop with different occupational bodies on trafficking and providing services through mobile hot link.
BBF ongoing the work by his own fund. BBF hopeful that the work continuing if support the donor side.

Goal: $ 5000
Raised: $ 0
Non Formal Education program
BBF has successfully implemented the project titled non-Formal education program funded by GKS Sirajdikhan upazila of Munshigonj district. 05 numbers of learning center are being established. In each center 2 numbers of facilitators are being employed. They have provided education to 60 learners in each center through 30 learners per shift. They provided education as well as skill-oriented training.
BBF looking donor support to continue the work in the future.

Goal: $3000
Raised: $300
Current Goals

Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers
BBF is implementing this project at 6 Unions under Sirajdikhan upazila of Munshigonj district with assistance of Brac and social development fund. Under this project the following interventions are implementing- upazila based safe migration center, migration forum by Local government, capacity building training of forum members, collection of case story of migrant person, Observer of International migration day in upazila level and human resource development.

To increase social awareness about child marriage and prevent it.
BBF has implementing the program at Ranisankail upazila funded by Department of Women Affairs (DWA). BBF awareness rising among the families that are at risk of child marriage under this program. Besides, the main objective of this project to increase social awareness.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Management
BBF has implemented national advocacy program “SWA-CSO Catalytic Fund” project funded by SWA via WaterAid, Bangladesh with a view to ensured WASH rights to grassroots people.
BBF News
WASH budget advocacy with Member of Parliament, Plotical Person, Media and CSOs.
Training program on “Maternity Allowance” project in Thakurgaon district.
WASH program in media coverage.